Rémi Meyer - Scientific photographer artist

SIRET : 900 253 840 00012

Website : Harold George - L’Imaginarium du net

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In a few words...

Born in 1992 in Annecy, I now live in Franche-Comté and more particularly in Besançon. Photographer on the one hand and confirmed musician on the other, it is through sight and sound that I appropriate the world and develop my imagination.

Originally turned towards research in physics, I maintain throughout my studies a growing porosity with the artistic world. Then amateur photographer it is during my thesis in optics that I begin to realize scientific illustrations and to "play" with the light to produce surprising images.

After my studies and having obtained the degree of doctor in optics and photonics, I start my career with the ambition to join the CNRS as a research fellow. During the year 2020 I decided to join the artistic world professionally, but without giving up my scientific career.

I work today in close relationship with institutions, universities and research laboratories, where I travel on a double bridge between Arts and Sciences:

     -     Science for Art, where my profile as an expert in optics allows me to make full use of scientific material in an artistic research experience, where light is transformed into a plastic material that I model as I wish;

     -     Art for Science, in which I explore the relationship between the researcher, his gesture and his experience.

Learn more about my career
Learn more about my research work